Education broadens your horizons and allows you to see the world from a different perspective. It also inspires creativity and innovation as you find better ways to solve problems.
School security depends on many factors, including safety and security-related policies and procedures. It’s important to address these issues before asking already strained staff members to become security experts.
1. Knowledge is Power
Man is truly powerful when he or she has knowledge. The person with knowledge can withstand ups and downs of life without fear because they can do whatever they want to do. They can even defeat a physically stronger opponent with their mental power.
But the power of knowledge is limited by certain things. The person has to be careful and should use it wisely. The person should not be arrogant and believe that he or she is the best in everything.
Security and safety education is often regarded as a support pillar for sustainable development. Research results proved that many issues from this field of education have common foundations and can be used in the context of sustainability [56]. This is why it’s important to implement security and safety as a school subject with cross-disciplinary approach.
2. Self-Confidence
Educated people tend to feel more confident in their own abilities. This enables them to make good decisions that improve their quality of life. Education also makes people more tolerant, so they are more likely to accept other people’s opinions and views. This, in turn, leads to the growth of society.
However, it is important to note that self-confidence does not equate to recklessness. It is crucial that workers have the right tools, PPE and training to up their safety game. Otherwise, they could risk their lives in the name of being self-confident. In fact, it is important that leaders consider whether they even want to help others develop greater safety self-confidence. They may be tempted to ramp up fears of dire vulnerability and scare them into complying with policies and procedures.
3. Peace of Mind
Peace of mind is a feeling of calmness or inner tranquility, without worries or anxieties. It is an inner state of serenity, a sense of tranquility and a free spirit. People often seek out ways to achieve peace of mind, such as meditating or relaxing.
The idiom “piece of mind” is often mistaken for peace of mind, but they are different expressions with different meanings. Piece of mind means a frank summary of one’s thoughts, while peace of mind refers to the feeling of calmness or tranquility.
Peace of mind can be difficult to achieve, but it is possible with the right tools and habits. The most effective way to attain peace of mind is to prepare for life’s challenges before they arrive, rather than trying to avoid them.
4. Security of Property
School safety and security is a crucial part of education. When schools are unsafe, staff and students are put at risk and the quality of learning suffers. Widespread violence undermines the transformative power of education, limiting the ability of millions of children to realize their full potential.
Educational institutions must consider many different aspects of security to be safe and secure. In addition to protecting buildings and physical property, they must also guard personal possessions and information. In a school, this may mean keeping classroom doors closed and locking them at the beginning and end of each period. It may also mean using desks and other portable furniture to barricade rooms against attackers.
A security is an asset that protects a loan. It is generally an item of tangible property, such as a house or car, that is owned by the person who is taking out the loan. The value of the property is assessed by a professional valuation expert.
5. Security of Life
Education for security (bezpieczenstwo) has a wide scope and can include a variety of topics: civic, economic, legal, defence, pro-social and health issues. It can also encompass various adult pedagogy forms such as continuing education (andragogy) or lifelong learning and can be interdisciplinary.
Students need to be able to feel safe in their classrooms. This can come from routines, a predictable daily schedule, and open discussion of ideas. It can also come from a feeling of physical safety, which is the body’s natural ability to maintain homeostasis, or a state of balanced internal function.
It can be inferred from the WFQ results and literature review that security and safety themes reflect sustainability in many aspects. Thus, it could be beneficial for countries where security and safety education is a school subject to introduce more cross-disciplinary sustainable development goals into the curricula.